
Excerpts From the U.N. Discussions

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I still find what I have heard this morning a catalog still of noncooperation. If Iraq genuinely wanted to disarm, we would not have to be worrying about setting up means of looking for mobile biological units ....

The inspectors should not have to look under every rock, go to every crossroads, peer into every cave for evidence, for proof. And we must not allow Iraq to shift the burden of proof onto the inspectors.


If Iraq had made that strategic decision to disarm, cooperation would be voluntary, even enthusiastic -- not coerced, not pressured.



We have ... found nearly 30 instances where Iraq refused to provide credible evidence substantiating its claims.


If Iraq were genuinely committed to disarmament, Dr. Blix’s document would not be 167 pages of issues and questions. It would be thousands upon thousands of pages of answers.


Nobody wants war, but ... changes we have seen come from the presence of a large military force....


Now is the time for the council to tell Saddam Hussein that the clock has not been stopped by his stratagems and his machinations.
