
Music File-Sharing Flap: War Against Customers


Re “Music Industry Tries Fear as a Tactic to Stop Online Piracy,” April 30:

The Recording Industry Assn. of America battling online piracy reminds me of a bricks-and-mortar company fighting a Web-based company. Of course the Web-based company is going to hurt the bricks-and-mortar’s business to a degree, but instead of fighting they ought to recognize each other’s place in the world and change their business models accordingly.

Online music file-sharing is here to stay. From now on, some music will be physically purchased and some will be downloaded free. The musicians, and especially the recording industry, must adjust to this and make their money through live concerts, movie soundtracks, etc. For everyone’s sake, I hope the musicians and recording industry realize this soon and stop the war they’ve declared on their own customers.

Greg Alder

