
SARS, Rumors of SARS Point Up U.S. Failings

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Re “SARS Virus May Be Robust,” May 5: America’s failure to provide its citizens with a national health-care system makes it possibly the most vulnerable nation on Earth to severe acute respiratory syndrome or a future terrorist-induced epidemic. There is no one in Vietnam, Japan or Canada who cannot go to a doctor because he or she cannot afford it.

In contrast, untold millions, and rising, cannot access a health-care professional to have their feverish condition diagnosed in the U.S. This is our No. 1 homeland security problem. Anyone for a single-payer, universal health-care plan?

William J. Spelliscy



Re “SARS May Be Just the Start,” May 3: We are living with a disaster waiting to happen. Viruses are spread by, among other things, bird and rodent feces and urine. Several years ago Los Angeles outlawed blowers. The law has not been enforced. The blowers are putting bird droppings and rodent waste into the air. According to medical reports, there are serious illnesses caused by the airborne products of the blowers. Now we have SARS.


The police should be enforcing the blower laws and they should be doing it now. It should not be left to the few city workers assigned to the task. It is a matter of public health and safety.

Annette F. Shanks

Santa Monica


Re “First SARS, Then SAFS,” editorial, May 3: So now the mainstream media say we are needlessly panicked by a possible SARS epidemic. They say this although the SARS pathogen is unknown, there is no treatment for it and health authorities do not know how it is spread. OK. Well, how about those weapons of mass destruction that held us spellbound for so long and seem to be nonexistent?

Now, there was a “sky is falling” situation if ever there was one. SARS is real.

Tom Freeman

Pinon Hills
