
The Real Case Against Heavy Immigration

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With all due respect to Mike Burns (letter, May 10), what’s “wrong” with mentioning that whites want lower immigration levels because they “don’t want to be a racial minority” is that it isn’t true. At least I hope it isn’t. The American “majority” a hundred years from now will resemble Tiger Woods more than you or me or George Washington, and that’s neither good nor bad.

The important thing is to leave a viable, sustainable society to future Americans. This means that the economic and environmental arguments against high immigration levels must prevail; the racial argument, which should be irrelevant, serves only to distract us from the urgent task of reducing our population, the steady increase of which is due almost entirely to the influx of new immigrants, legal and illegal, and their higher birthrate. That’s the issue, not racial purity, which is headed to the dustheap of history.

Alan Pierpoint

