
Abortion Counseling for Women in Texas

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Re “Texas OKs Disputed Abortion Legislation,” May 22: Those poor, poor gals in Texas. How sad that, like children, they need the menfolk to help them know their own minds and bodies on the issue of pregnancy. Evidently in that state, all women are helpless and feebleminded and incapable of making a rational decision unassisted about whether to have a baby. Hence the need to force them into a 24-hour “reflection.” Tell me. Do they allow the ladies there to vote yet, or are we still of a mind to let the menfolk take care of that too?

Sarah Shankland Merlin



I find it interesting that people who claim they are pro-choice, not pro-abortion, vehemently oppose informing women of all the potential dangers of abortion. Still, it makes sense considering the fact that every woman who chooses to keep her child is a dent in the income of Planned Parenthood.

Aaron Smith



Women seeking abortions in Texas soon will be counseled that abortion might cause breast cancer, although there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Consistent with this misinformation campaign, women seeking abortions also should be informed that abortion might cause water pollution, holes in the ozone and global plague, since there is no evidence to support these claims either.


Brad Zebrack

Los Angeles
