
Wet Seal Trial on Back Wages Is Postponed

Times Staff Writer

A trial to determine whether retailer Wet Seal Inc. must pay a portion of back wages owed to four contract garment workers has been postponed until Jan. 8.

A Los Angeles County Superior Court judge postponed the trial after agreeing to hear a motion Dec. 15 by Foothill Ranch-based Wet Seal to have the court rule without a jury trial, said Cassandra Stubbs, an attorney for the workers.

The case revolves around a claim that the workers filed with the state labor commission against their employer, sewing contractor D.T. Sewing; Los Angeles apparel manufacturer Rad Clothing; and Wet Seal, which sells trendy clothes to girls and young women at 620 Wet Seal, Arden B. and Zutopia stores.


The case highlights a California statute meant to clarify who is liable when garment workers are underpaid.

Under the law, anyone who contracts with a company to make garments may be held partially responsible for paying workers minimum wage and overtime if the contractor fails to do so.
