
2004 Presidential Race Without Dick Cheney?

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Re “Has Cheney Turned Into a Liability?” by Mary Lynn Jones and Thomas Schaller, Commentary, Nov. 6:

This is an obvious attempt to find scapegoats for the Bush administration’s failure in many facets of the right-wing legislative agenda.

Although predictable, I find it fascinating that to protect the bumbling George W. Bush and ensure his 2004 reelection the conservatives are ready to toss their thinking heads on the trash heap.


Just where does the buck stop?

Jim Caputo

Valley Village


Vice President Dick Cheney will be replaced on the 2004 Republican ticket only if he and his fellow neoconservatives so decide. After all, they handpicked Bush as the 2000 candidate and have fully controlled him since. The president can no more replace Cheney than Charlie McCarthy could have replaced Edgar Bergen.

Mike Teobaldi

Westlake Village


Jones and Schaller are right on about the “neocon foreign policy cabal” and its cohorts. Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft -- the real “axis of evil.”

Stan Warford



Now that someone has declared Cheney to be a political liability, how about Rumsfeld, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and political policy advisor Richard Perle?


W.L. Sibley

