
A Recall Movement That Might Take More Than a Few Thousand Signatures


Who cares about the governor’s race? It was penny ante compared with the campaign mentioned on the Long Beach Church of Christ’s marquee:



Talk about your outrageous claims: On a visit to Ireland, Gene Doss of Diamond Bar noticed a hotel sign that would attract the attention of law enforcement in this country (see photo). He checked and was told that “crack” means “music, dancing and boozing,” interests that may or may not constitute a vote for the devil -- I’m not sure.

Guide to adventurous dining: Today’s special du column, submitted by Heath Hewitt of West L.A., included a mystery meat dish that can be paved over (see accompanying).


Such a deal: Sam Hollander of Studio City spotted an ad for a big screen TV that is evidently intended for decorative use only (see accompanying).

A resounding endorsement for California politicians! A voter at a MacArthur Park precinct apparently liked the gubernatorial candidates so much that she punched out the holes for all 135 of them, poll inspector Peter Lee reports. “One of the clerks remembered that a lady spent a lot of time in the booth,” Lee added.

The California solution? A voter at the same precinct left behind an item that could be a clue for a way out of the state’s financial mess: a pawnshop ticket. Not sure if a broker would be willing to lend the state the billions required or what California could put up as collateral, but I think it’s worth looking into.

Don’t know much about geography: Reading a hotel map, Dean and Kathryn Gatons of Crestline think they discovered why Dionne Warwick had trouble finding the way to San whatever it is (see accompanying).

MiscelLAny: UC Irvine’s F. Sherwood Rowland merits a mention in the October issue of Popular Science, not so much for the Nobel Prize he won in chemistry but for a job he had as a grad student at the University of Chicago.

The article is headlined: “The Worst, Most Torturous, Icky, Painful, Stinky, Dangerous, and Just Plain Horrible Jobs in Science.” Rowland’s job was collecting worms from cattle intestines in a slaughterhouse.


I’ll spare you the details about the problem of explosions.

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012 and by e-mail at
