
A way to stay limber, right at your desk

Karen Voight can be reached at kvoightla@

Take a moment at work to do these two moves, which provide a safe and easy way to relax and stay limber when sitting on a chair. They will help you feel invigorated and refreshed.


1 Sit on the front edge of a sturdy chair. Place your feet about 2 1/2 feet apart, toes pointing forward. Lean forward and place your forearms on your thighs. As you look ahead of you, draw your shoulder blades down and away from your ears. Lift your chest; try to create a small arch in the upper part of you back. Hold this position for a few moments.

2 Slowly stretch your arms down to the floor, resting your ribs on your thighs. With your armpits close to your knees, cross your arms and hold an elbow with each hand. Release your entire back as you continue to move downward. Hold this position, taking three deep breathes. Round your back, slowly roll up and return to the sitting position.


-- Karen Voight
