
Navy Wives Set Sail for a Good Cause

From Associated Press

Wives and widows of nine men from Navy special operations launched a boat tour Friday to call attention to their husbands’ sacrifices and to raise money for other families.

Calling themselves SEAL Wives Against Terrorism, they set out from a Potomac River marina across the street from the Pentagon for a 300-nautical mile trip to New York.

The women are traveling on two 24-foot-long Zodiac HomeGuard Defender vessels, designed for patrolling and other homeland security missions, Defense Department officials said. They plan stops in Annapolis, Md., and Atlantic City, N.J., before attending a maritime exposition Wednesday and Thursday in New York.


The money raised from the sale of tour merchandise and from donations will go to the Naval Special Warfare Foundation.

Three of the participants lost their husbands in the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.
