
Plans to Fight ‘Do-Not-Call’ Ban


I am angry about the federal judge who blocked the “do-not-call” list (“Judge Bars ‘Do-Not-Call’ Telemarketing List,” Sept. 25). The 1st Amendment free speech argument is specious. The telemarketers are not standing on a public street corner and talking. They are using my telephone and the phone line into my house that I am leasing and should have control over. (If they credited 50 cents to my phone bill every time they called, I wouldn’t mind so much.)

I wish we could publish the judge’s phone number and see how he likes unsolicited calls. (Remember to add two hours so that your call arrives during Oklahoma dinner time.)

Roy Brown



I suggest to all readers who are fed up with telemarketers to do the following:

When a call is received, reply that you’ll get the person whom they are requesting. Set the phone down and walk away. Hang up the phone five to 10 minutes later. This will cost the company money and waste their resources. It also will prevent them from calling someone else while they wait.


Sooner or later they will remove you from their list.

Lou Cozzolino

Woodland Hills
