
Providing Preschool for All State Children


Re “Lessons Learned?” editorial, April 13: Rob Reiner is to be commended for making universal preschool a priority for California’s children. With only four out of 10 children between the ages of 3 and 4 currently enrolled in preschool, California is well below the national average in preparing its children for success in school.

The dedication and vision of people like Reiner will lead to legislation that provides all our children with an opportunity to develop their full potential within a statewide system of quality preschool.


Wilma Chan


I applaud Reiner’s efforts toward fixing the K-12 school system. His efforts were meant to help those parents without preschool. Unfortunately, all the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and The Times could see were their own special interests. Neither looked past their own pocketbooks and saw the benefits for society or their community. Now, as voters, we won’t have a chance to fix the system.


Shame to anyone who stands in the way of noble efforts. The Times and MALDEF need to do a little less rock-throwing and a little more problem-solving.

Sandy Mendoza

Los Angeles

As a provider of arts education, I can’t understand why The Times has an issue when any organization tries to fix public education as we know it. Studies show that preschool is a major way to fix the K-12 system. Lowering class size along with the purchasing of textbooks and art and music supplies only enriches and improves the quality of education. It’s unfortunate The Times can’t see past its property tax bill to what’s good for Los Angeles.

Lisa Goodfried

