
Deciding not to go for the gold


It’s nice to see that Samantha Bonar refuses to sell out for the almighty dollar (“Mr. Moneybags Just Isn’t Mr. Right,” April 15), but her friends are real gold diggers.

These kind of women reinforce the belief that females see men as nothing more than ATMs with clothes; a main reason I have dodged the bullet called marriage.

Michael Allen

Santa Monica


The hilarious Samantha Bonar cited a pair of thumbs on one hand as the reason for escaping the “multiphalanged clutches” of a prospective multimillionaire spouse. Perhaps he would have dumped her for not knowing he was in fact multipollexed.


John De Simio

Los Angeles


I too wouldn’t consider marrying a man for his money. Some women may be turned on by rich men because they appear powerful and make a woman feel more feminine.

If you were to ask me what qualities I look for in a man I would answer maturity and stability -- a mature man wouldn’t feel threatened by a strong woman and would treat her as an equal. I don’t care how little money he has.

Grace Hampton

