
The Power of Voters Is Curbed by Term Limits


Re “Term Limits Are Too Short,” editorial, April 19: Before we had term limits, the people had the choice of limiting a person’s term by voting at reelection time. The people had the power. When term limits are tacked onto elective office, the creative flow of ideas and attempts at new programs for the greater good are what are limited.

The people are denied the constitutional right of selecting their leader by their votes. Their rulers are the consultants, bureaucrats and lobbyists. It will be that way whenever term limits are involved because corporate America doesn’t have limits, and it can still plan for the next neophyte who comes in. I would like to have my voting power back.

Jean Solomon

Los Angeles


Your position against the current term-limit requirement for the California Legislature does not go far enough. Term limits preclude true accountability. Knowing they are facing a final term makes legislators accountable to their own self-interest and short-term views. Term limits minimize the chance of any legislator developing expertise concerning the real problems of the state. Finally, term limits preclude voter freedom to hold a legislator accountable and to vote for or against him or her based on performance in office. Term limits should be thrown out. Their perceived benefits are far outweighed by their negative effects.


Michael H. Miller

Los Angeles
