
Money flows to Klamath

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President Bush released a budget Monday that would boost Klamath River Basin spending by 21%. If Congress approves it, the federal government would allocate $105 million for the Klamath next year.

The budget proposal includes an extra $16 million for habitat conservation, water banking and wetlands protection. Barriers to salmon migration would be removed and more farmland given to waterfowl and fish.

“It’s a baby step in the right direction. There’s some good projects in there and we’re pleased with the extra money, but it doesn’t address the core problem -- too much water is allocated for too many different interests,” said Scott Pedery of WaterWatch of Oregon.


Indians and anglers want more water in the river as it enters Northern California, while farmers need water for irrigation in Oregon. Drought is exacerbating the dispute and threatens crops as well as coho salmon and birds in the Klamath Basin.


Gary Polakovic
