
Aggressive Abortion Protesters in Kansas

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Re “Protesters Who Push the Limits,” Feb. 17: By publicly stalking workers’ homes, the restaurants they frequent and the stores at which they shop, the predators of the right have initiated a full-time assault on the constitutionally protected rights to privacy and the pursuit of happiness of healthcare workers employed in clinics where safe, legal abortions are performed. The Times has joined this campaign by publishing a photograph of a placard bearing the name of such a worker. Shame on you.

Diane Levitt

Manhattan Beach


Troy Newman and his coalition of anti-abortion activists are militant terrorists who appear to have the law on their side. They hide behind prayer and the Bible -- hypocrisy at its best. Their tactics, including but not limited to exposing innocent people and children to graphically horrific images, are nothing less than Gestapo-ish.

Perhaps in the future, lawmakers will see these groups for what they are -- legalized terrorists.


Laura Linkmeyer

