
Parental Kidnapping in Custody Cases

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Re “Son Learns He Was Kidnapped; Mother Held,” Feb. 18: While living in New York City, my brother, Peter, and I were kidnapped by our mother in 1976 after a preliminary divorce proceeding. After living in Florida for four months, we ended up in the San Fernando Valley. Eight years later, after numerous attempts by our father to locate us, including contacting the NYPD and FBI, hiring private investigators and subpoenaing my maternal grandparents regarding our whereabouts, we were found after one of our mother’s co-workers recognized our pictures in the Ladies’ Home Journal as missing children.

After six years in the U.S. Army, five for my brother, and countless years of soul-searching, my brother and I were finally able to come to terms with what happened and move forward. My heart just goes out to that Chatsworth student. I just hope that someday parents will stop kidnapping their children in the misguided belief that it is in their best interests.

Jon Amir Hatemi

