
Others Are Allowed to Ring NYSE’s Bell


It is not only “business titans, politicians, Hollywood celebrities and firefighter heroes” who ring the opening bell (“Ringing at NYSE Has Become Belle of the Ball,” Dec. 26).

My son had a brain tumor, so we contacted the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Mac’s unique wish was to open the New York Stock Exchange, and on Oct. 22, 1998, his wish was granted.

Accompanied on the balcony by then-Chairman Richard Grasso, Peter Kann (chairman and CEO of Dow Jones), his parents and a brother, Roy Mackenzie Sykes, age 10, opened the exchange amid much cheering and hoopla.


Sadly, Mac is no longer with us. But his experience was one he would recite scores of times thereafter.

Roy A. Sykes Jr.

Woodland Hills


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