
Port Hueneme Given Grant to Replace Sewer Lines

From a Times Staff Writer

The U.S. Department of Commerce has awarded the city of Port Hueneme a $2-million grant to help replace its deteriorated sewer lines, which officials said will generate economic development opportunities for the city and surrounding area.

During a ceremony at City Hall on Tuesday, Julie L. Myers, assistant secretary of the Department of Commerce, presented officials with the grant check. The full cost of the project is expected to exceed $4 million, with the remainder coming from the city’s reserve fund.

The project will help support new development in the city as well as the Port of Hueneme, Channel Islands Harbor and the U.S. Naval Construction Battalion, all wastewater customers, officials said.


The project, which will be managed by the city’s Public Works Department, will break ground this summer, with construction expected to last about six months, said Carrie Mattingly, utility services director.

Mattingly said there would be no disruption of service during replacement of the sewer lines. But she said that sections of Ventura Road and Channel Islands Boulevard would be temporarily shut down as the 40-year-old sewer lines are being replaced.

The administrator credited local legislators, including Rep. Elton Gallegly (R-Simi Valley) and Rep. Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara), with helping the city to secure such a large federal grant.
