
Roads in Wild Lands Are a Sellout to the Rich


Re “Winding Paths for Roadless Lands,” July 26: This story and Stewart Udall’s “Bush’s Dark Pages in Conservation History” (Commentary, July 26) simply illustrate that President Bush and cronies are no more or less than America’s version of Saddam Hussein and sons enriching themselves when they ruled Iraq.

The implications of the “Winding Paths” article made me both angry and sick to my stomach. Besides negating more and more wild lands -- an irreplaceable resource -- these roads will consequently contribute to more forest fires and the spectacle and hazard of more and more oversized SUVs driven by cellphone-addicted drivers in places no one should ever have to see or fear them.

What next? Conveyor belts and escalators through the wilderness for those so obese that walking is a memory? Geesshh!


Ron Romanosky

