
Governor’s Style Exceeds Substance

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It is refreshing to see someone like Michael Hiltzik point out the obvious about our beloved governor (“Gov.’s Bad Sequel: ‘Running Man 2,’ ” Golden State, Nov. 18).

Gray Davis may have been bland and uninspiring, but at least he was fairly honest about what he was doing. What we are seeing now is the Governator’s version of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Very few people, Mr. Hiltzik being one exception, seem willing to shout out that the emperor is naked and we’re all being taken for a ride.

A few years down the road, the financial mess we will be in as a result of the governor’s song-and-dance routine will make today’s situation look like the golden age of fiscal responsibility.


Republicans were outraged that musicians and movie stars had the nerve to publicly support John F. Kerry, yet they cheer the fact that we have given control of one of the largest economies in the world to a movie star with no political experience whatsoever.

Unfortunately, we’re getting what we deserve: style over substance.

Thomas L. Difloure

Marina del Rey
