
Claim of Discrimination at Air Force Academy


Re “Non-Christian Air Force Cadets Cite Harassment,” April 20: In a perfect example of the religious right’s ability to claim black is really white and up is down, Tom Minnery, vice president of public policy at Focus on the Family, tells us that it’s the Christians at the Air Force Academy, who make up 90% of its enrollment, that are really facing discrimination. Oh, really? That’s like the Romans claiming they are the ones being discriminated against as they feed Christians to the lions.

Instead of actively working for the acceptance of other faiths, these right-wing groups use these opportunities to protest that discrimination is being practiced against them. That is not what Jesus would have done. He would have spoken out against those who perpetrate such discrimination. But then he wasn’t interested in amassing power and money while exploiting fear and hatred, unlike these organizations that act in his name.

Barry Simon

Studio City
