


A woman in Kettering, Ohio, gave birth to a baby at a gas station. Apparently, now when you fill up your tank they take your firstborn.... -- Jay Leno


You know what movie I watched last night? I hadn’t seen it in, like, 20 years: “Mad Max Road Warrior.” Remember that film, the Mel Gibson movie where gasoline is so precious that people are killing each other for just a few gallons? It’s set sometime in the future. I think it was the summer of 2005.

-- Jay Leno


This morning on the United States Senate floor, John Kerry blasted the administration for high gas prices. He said gas is so expensive, he may have to marry Bill Gates.


-- Jay Leno


To those who keep pushing the whole electric car thing: Most electricity in this country is generated by burning coal -- which pollutes rivers and streams and kills fish. Or by hydroelectric dams -- which kill fish. Or by huge windmills, which kill flying fish. Just admit once and for all: It’s not oil you hate, it’s fish.

-- Dennis Miller
