
Bolton Isn’t the Only Jerk in Washington


Re editorial cartoon, April 23: At the very least Michael Ramirez could cite the source for his cartoon and the words expressed. Vice President Dick Cheney made these comments shown on several newscasts. Maybe Ramirez could have been more original and pointed out that the nominee for U.N. ambassador is not a U.S. senator or the vice president, so their abrasive and abusive personalities and style are not relevant.

I doubt U.N. ambassador nominee John Bolton could get elected to the Senate, but maybe he should run for vice president.

Ronald Hennes



Finally, after all these years, I must admit to being in agreement with Ramirez over the content of one of his cartoons. He is absolutely correct that if we apply the same criteria presently being used to block the Bolton nomination to members of Congress, it would eliminate half of them. And boy, wouldn’t it be nice watching the country get back on track with only Democrats left to govern.


Larry Kopald

