
Hot and Cold Dodgers Have Fans Jumpy

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Thud! That’s the sound of Dodger “fans” jumping off the Blue bandwagon after they realized this team really wasn’t as good as the hot start indicated.

Francis Ma

Buena Park


To all you folks who jumped on the Dodger bandwagon while they were beating up on struggling West Division teams at or below .500, wait till they start playing the Cardinals, Braves, Marlins, Cubs, Astros and Reds. It won’t be a pretty sight.

And there won’t be any World Series appearances as long as Jim Tracy’s in charge. “Folksy” will take you only so far.


K.H. Steele

Cathedral City


I left the “Miracle on Manchester” after the second period. I had tickets to the first two games of the 1988 World Series and chose to go to Game 2. Because of the price increase and what looked like an inferior product, my partner and I chose not to renew our Dodger season seats. So when the Dodgers win the World Series this year, all Dodger fans can thank me.

Steve Aronson

Granada Hills


Apparently Duane Mitchell of Escondido [Viewpoint, April 23] never sat in the seat I sat in at Petco Park while trying to watch my Dodgers last season. Sitting in a $34 “Field Reserve” seat, down the right-field line, I couldn’t see the hitters at bat (obstructed by the foul pole), or the center and right fielders (obstructed by the $18 “Right Field Lower Reserve” seats). Give me a $6 pavilion seat in 43-year-old Dodger Stadium any time.

Tom Dryden

Rancho Cucamonga


Memo to all the season-ticket holders griping about the new seats at Dodger Stadium and the impact on their view:


Those of us who occupy the reserve, upper deck and bleachers request that you stop bellyaching and appreciate what most of us never get a chance to enjoy.

Ken Marcus

Los Angeles


I was not surprised to find out that there are obstructed views in Dodger Stadium. I knew without even going to a game this season that I would be unable to see Adrian Beltre, or Jose Lima, or Paul Lo Duca, or Steve Finley, or most of the guys that I rooted for last season.

Larry Weiner

Culver City


No wonder the Dodgers were off to such a fast start: Vlad Guerrero’s and Darin Erstad’s stats have been attributed to them in Monday’s league leaders. With those two players, who needs Piazza, Lo Duca, Green, Beltre, Sheffield or Cora?


Patricia Goodman



Please tell me why Dodger “fans” are booing Shawn Green? He did not choose to leave and, in fact, did not want to go. So why is he being punished?

Marty Brown

Long Beach


I know it’s still early in the Dodger season, but I’m starting to get nervous.

If Izturis keeps playing at such a high level, DePodesta might think about moving him next season. And Bradley is also a candidate for replacement if he keeps up his clutch play.

Sometimes I dream that computers had never been invented and general managers could make decisions based on performance on the field. What a concept.

Rich Rhea

Mar Vista


OK, it looks as if the Dodgers will keep the majority of the players on the current roster. Can we have the names on the back of their uniforms now? Hope so. This isn’t the minor leagues.

Don Babb

Maui, Hawaii
