
Jordan OKs Cabinet and Names New Spy Chief

From Associated Press

A tough anti-terrorism general was named to replace the country’s top intelligence operative Tuesday and parliament approved a new Cabinet, part of a political and security overhaul after last month’s deadly hotel bombings.

Jordan’s King Abdullah II appointed Maj. Gen. Mohammed Thahabi, known as one of the country’s top anti-terrorism officers, to replace Gen. Samih Asfoura, who resigned earlier in the day as head of Jordan’s intelligence services, the official Petra news agency reported.

No reason was given for Asfoura’s resignation, but Jordan’s intelligence services were heavily criticized after the Amman bombings, which were carried out by three Iraqi suicide attackers.


Asfoura was also believed to have been suffering from heart problems, which may have been a factor in his decision to step down.

Abdullah called for the new Cabinet after the Nov. 9 hotel attacks, which killed the bombers and 58 other people.

The vote was necessary to install the Cabinet appointed by Abdullah, whose powers under the constitution include the right to dissolve parliament.
