
Huffington Ignores the Progress in Iraq

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Re “So, Exactly What’s Changed?” Commentary, Feb. 2: Arianna Huffington is at it again -- whining and complaining. Courageous Iraqis, interestingly enough led by women, braved bullets, bombs and threats of beheadings to stream to the polls, yet all Huffington can do is carp and criticize for her own political advantage.

She offered not a single positive suggestion as to what the U.S. and its allies should do at this point in Iraq.

Her friend John Kerry did the same thing on “Meet the Press” right after the Iraqi election. These are two uninspiring doom-and-gloom sore losers who deserve to be neither governor nor president because for them the glass is always half empty.


Don Fenmore

Los Angeles


Huffington’s commentary is an embittered woman’s diatribe against all that is good and wholesome. The election in Iraq did change the tyrannical regime of Saddam Hussein, with its mass graveyards containing hundreds of thousands of Shiites and Kurds. The purple fingers represent this first step in free democracy. The election did do that.

But will the Huffingtons, Robert Scheers and Michael Kinsleys of the world ever acknowledge the goodness of the lurching direction of freedom? No. They are capable only of denouncing. If it’s Republican, it’s wrong. If it’s immoral or feels good, then it receives full support of their anti-establishment cronies.

Thomas Z. Taylor

Yucca Valley
