
Sticks and Stones and Schwarzenegger

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Re “Gov. Calls Democrats ‘Addicts,’ ” Feb. 12: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger reminds me of a name-calling schoolyard bully. He seems to believe that by calling his opponents names (addicts, special interests and “girlie men”) he can intimidate them into doing what he wants. I am not intimidated, and I will stoop to playing the governor’s name-calling game so that the governor can have a taste of his own medicine.

No, on second thought, I will not. To resolve our problems, we Californians must cooperate, debate and, ultimately, compromise.

Republicans, starting with the president, act as if compromising is what weak people do to survive. Compromise is a fundamental component of the give-and-take of the democratic process. The governor’s do-it-my-way tactics are the antithesis of the approach that we need.


Arch Miller



The governor says Democrats are addicted to spending. He’s so right.

We’re addicted to spending money on education and healthcare. We’re addicted to pensions that enable Californians to age with dignity. How do we live with ourselves?

As The Times has stated clearly, Californians want more state services than we’re willing to pay for.

If we had a leader in the governor’s office, that person might put this dilemma before the people, honestly and forthrightly: Do we want a better life or a cheaper life? But we don’t have a leader in the governor’s office. We have a cartoon character.


Renee Leask



The reports of the governor’s speech reflect a lack of the maturity and leadership that the people expect from our elected officials. Calling the Democratic legislative members “evil,” etc., because they don’t agree with the governor decreases the respect for the office.

When will the governor grow up and act as an adult exhibiting the leadership that some of the people thought he had? The state has too many problems already that need solutions.

If he represents the people, as he says, he needs to learn how to work with people and forget the tantrums.


Milt Shapiro

Los Angeles


Re “Washington Blamed for Fiscal Woes,” Feb. 15: Dear governor and state legislators, please take care of this so you can hurry home and do the same for California counties, cities and schools districts.

Orange County has been trying to resolve this discrepancy for years. Hurry home.

Joe Davis

Laguna Niguel
