
A slow move that adds strength to shoulders

Karen Voight can be reached at

Strong shoulder muscles will give your upper body a more sculpted look and help protect against injury. The shoulder is a complex joint and is vulnerable to muscle imbalances if not trained properly. Because we lift and carry things all day, often the front of our shoulder and arm muscles is stronger than the rear muscles. Here is a helpful way to keep you in better balance.

1 Sit on a sturdy chair or bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Scoot to the front edge of the seat and place your feet and knees close together with your ankles below your knees. Pull your abdominals in toward your spine and lean slightly forward with your arms reaching toward the floor, palms facing back. Inhale and imagine there’s a string coming out of the top of your head, lifting and elongating your neck and spine.

2 On an exhale, bend and raise your elbows as you contract the muscles in your shoulders and across your middle back. Continue to lift your elbows until they are at shoulder level while maintaining a straight back. Pause at the top of the lift, then slowly lower your arms to release. Repeat this move 12 to 16 times, rest for 20 seconds and repeat up to three sets. Avoid jerking the weights up and down. Do the move slowly and smoothly for maximum results.


-- Karen Voight
