
Pushing for an Exit Strategy in Iraq


Despite the growing bipartisan demand for an exit plan, you report that “Bush Resists Calls to Pull Out of Iraq” (June 19), and then quote him as saying: “By making their stand in Iraq, the terrorists have now made Iraq a vital test for the future security of our country and the free world.”

In making his argument, he concludes that “some may disagree with my decision to remove Saddam Hussein from power, but all of us can agree that the world’s terrorists have now made Iraq a central front in the war on terror.”

I can’t imagine who the president is referring to by “all of us” agreeing with his war strategy, but it certainly does not include me and the millions of other Americans who charge him with unilaterally starting an unsubstantiated and poorly planned war against Iraq, and now claiming that the “terrorists did it”!


Norm Gottlieb

Los Angeles


Wow! I can hardly believe my own eyes! The public and our representatives are now wondering how long we must remain in a country we have invaded and destroyed on the strength of well-packaged lies, how long we are to send our people to die at an increased rate, and how long we must continue killing innocents or enabling innocent citizens getting killed. Finally!

I am curious: What took you so long, and what will you do about it? Impeachment would be a nice start.

Rachel Rosenthal

Los Angeles
