
Ruling in Property Case Shows Poor Judgment


Re “Justices Back Forced Sale of Property,” June 24: The Supreme Court ruled that nice working-class homes -- with their owners living there for decades -- can be demolished to build for the high-end market. It’s bad enough that the housing boom is generating luxury houses and precious few affordable ones, and that rents have skyrocketed. But now even if you already own, the rich can take over your property if they like the view and have bought friends in government.

With decisions like this one from the Supreme Court, the American dream has been downgraded to owning your own tent.

Mery Lynn McCorkle

Los Angeles


Outrageous! In the case on eminent domain, Justice John Paul Stevens, writing for the majority, says that local officials are better positioned than federal judges to decide what’s best for a community!


Is this the same court that less than three weeks ago ruled that federal anti-drug laws trump state laws that allow the use of medical marijuana? Make up your minds before no one takes you seriously anymore.

Michael Baldridge



I’m certain justices of the Supreme Court all have nice homes in nice neighborhoods. But wouldn’t a city be better off building high-rise condominiums on those properties?

Mike Kapowich

Corona del Mar
