
Denying Felons the Vote Is a Political Ploy

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Re “The Cellblock Voting Bloc,” Commentary, March 8: Jonah Goldberg throws away the last tiny shred of pretense that he is making a reasoned argument for denying former offenders the vote when he says, “One has to assume Michael Dukakis got Willie Horton’s vote.” By recycling this tired old piece of political filth, Goldberg reveals himself as the extremist shill he is.

Steve Boone

Long Branch, N.J.


The Republican attempt to permanently disenfranchise felons must be overturned. This is a clear example of “cruel and unusual punishment.” In no case is there an explicit component of a sentence that “you shall serve 12 years and thereafter never vote again.”

When you serve your sentence, you are released from prison. You should also be released from the other restrictions that held during your sentence. That includes the prohibition against voting.


This is simply a naked power grab in states dominated, now and in the past, by racist whites. They maintain their power by ensuring that anyone who has ever been a felon is disenfranchised. This has nothing to do with the “right thing” but simply with partisan power. It is unconstitutional.

Paul A. Thompson

Belleville, Ill.
