
El Toro Base Is an Airport Waiting to Open

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Re “In Vallejo, a Lesson in Converting El Toro,” March 21: Yes, indeed, there is a lesson the military can learn from the closing of military bases at Vallejo and El Toro -- don’t peddle the property to housing developers. Both properties are highly contaminated from years of spilling toxins on the open ground. We don’t need any more Love Canals. Yet the master planner for Vallejo, a housing developer, might want to raid the funds from an El Toro sale in order to clean up Vallejo.

The best use for the El Toro airport is an airport. Fortunately, Los Angeles and Fullerton are both working hard to acquire the airport and run it. El Toro is a near perfect airport. No one is in the noise zone, and there are two 10,000-foot runways and two 8,000-foot runways pointing to where airplanes need to go. I am 100% for the Los Angeles & Fullerton El Toro International Airport.

Donald Nyre

Newport Beach
