
School Shootings and Access to Guns


Re “Red Lake Reservation Readies Burial Rituals,” March 24: Yet another school shooting. Psychologists have attempted to develop a composite picture of students who commit murder at school.

The shooters in Littleton, Santee, Paducah and the host of other locations seem to have little in common. One was a jock. Two were goths. One was a nerd. What they all have in common is easy access to lethal firearms.

Congress has focused on one life in Florida. How about the countless lives all over the country? We can talk around the problem forever. They can talk about enforcing the current laws. That doesn’t bring back the dead.


Preventing access (dare I suggest closing the ridiculous loopholes in the law or even call it gun control?) is the answer.

Rhonda Krantz Mayer

