
Plan to Pave Parkland Is a Road to Ruin


Re “They’d Pave Over Reagan’s Park,” Opinion, May 8: We are upset by the idea of a toll road being built that would close San Mateo campground. We as a family -- my 76-year-old mom, three brothers and families and my family and I -- have camped at this campground for 12 years.

We were so excited when this camp opened. It is a beautiful, serene place where we have enjoyed many hours around campfires. My daughter and her husband grew up going to this camp and now, as they start their own family, they look forward to taking their new twins camping there.

We would be so sad to lose this place that has meant so much to our family. Please help us stop this road.


Jayne Cooley



I am a developer myself, but this road is not necessary. The state beach is more critical to preserve for the future of California. It is one of the most pristine places on Earth. I surf there regularly and want my children’s children to do so also. We can find better alternatives than what the transportation corridor is currently proposing to do.

Doug Wilson

Laguna Beach


Our legacy is our land, and if these issues are not brought forward and supported, these natural places will be gone. And once that happens, it cannot be reversed. I hope more people will start looking at this major issue of losing our parkland and campground. It’s amazing how so many people voted against an El Toro airport in support of a “great park” but don’t seem to care about state parks being swallowed up by more urban sprawl. Does Orange County need more of this? Take a look around; it’s overcrowded as it is.

Ginger Dunn

Newport Beach
