
Reaction to Alito sends up a red flag


Re “Conservatives Cheer Court Nominee,” Nov. 1

Never has there been so much celebration over a nominee to the bench. This alone should send up a red flag. The fact that conservatives are preening and slapping each other on the back proves they believe federal appeals court Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. will actively advance a certain agenda.

What happened to judicial restraint? The discussion on this nomination is not about any narrow issue. Democrats and uneasy Republicans must move toward the greater issue of an activist Supreme Court that advances the views of a particular constituency versus a court that respects the law of the land.


Los Angeles



Re “The anti-Miers,” editorial, Nov. 1

You say the world is all right again because parties can now fight a war of ideas over the views of Alito. This might be so if the opposition had a chance to vote the nomination down. It does little good if the opposition party does not have the votes to stop an extremist candidate.


Forty Fort, Pa.
