
Unethical behavior of DeLay, Republicans


Re “DeLay Helped Cement GOP Ties to Lobbyists,” Sept. 30

If you look at the last century’s American political scandals, you have to conclude that nobody does corruption like the Republicans when they gain power. The Democrats do their best to keep up, but they never really come close to being as sleazy. People forget how awful the scandals of both Reagan’s and Nixon’s second terms were. Whatever makes them do it, for some reason sooner or later the GOP raincoat always pops open and we get flashed.

The scandals we’re seeing now are only the ones that couldn’t be buried, and I bet you a gallon of unleaded there’s plenty more scandals where those came from.


Mountain View, Calif.



What Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) will be remembered for is the total annihilation of the fragile boundary between ethical and unethical behavior in government. Even his attempts to demonize the district attorney for Travis County, Texas, reflect a totally amoral personality. Thanks to DeLay’s war on the Constitution and the democratic process, we will be an ethically challenged nation for many years to come.


Escondido, Calif.


Tom “The Hammer” DeLay was indicted for laundering political contributions. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to now refer to him as “The Hamper”?


Marina del Rey
