
If This Is L.A. Fashion, So Much for the Sweet Life

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As a professional designer, devoted Angeleno and self-proclaimed fashionista, I was appalled and mystified by your fashion feature “Mod Goes Modern” (Women’s Fall Fashion Issue, Aug. 14). The layout was a chaotic mix of indecipherable fashion and really bad hair. I found nothing mod or especially modern in the images of ratty-haired models crawling over one another in overdone velvet and silk dresses. (And the architectural environment of the John Lautner-designed Silvertop house in Silver Lake tended to compete with and not enhance the photos.) Is this really the current state of fashion and design in Los Angeles? So much for the sweet life.

Maxine Shepard

Los Angeles


According to the text accompanying the fashion photographs, the party starts and continues with drinking, revealing clothing, compromising positions and passing out, and then it ends at dawn. What kind of message is this sending to young people? Or to anyone, for that matter?

Irene W. Parker



Wait a minute. I thought we had decided that the amount of suffering caused by wearing fur was not worth it. That in fact fur was a potent, visible symbol of a woman’s extreme vanity and cruelty. Or has it become OK to hurt animals for no good reason again?


Jennifer Horsman

Laguna Beach
