
Now, if Only They’d Act Like Champions

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Last Saturday, as I watched the USC-Hawaii game, I soon became disgusted by the young men of Troy constantly going into showboating dances after almost every play.

If the Trojans think that is the way they should behave on the football field, then maybe the school name should be changed from the University of Southern California to the University of Western Miami.


Moreno Valley



Golly! Tuesday’s article on the USC football team’s go-fer -- uh, excuse me, “Director of Football Operations” -- was just plain fascinating.

His job includes ordering both cheese and pepperoni pizza for the team! Scintillating. Also, he makes sure the buses run on time! Enthralling. And -- get this -- he makes sure the players get chicken fingers ... with ranch dressing!

Now, I am certain Mr. Slutak, who has a master’s degree in sports management, is a fine, hard-working gentleman. As much as I hate to admit it, USC is a terrific football team with great athletes and a top-notch coach. But current and past coverage of the USC football team by The Times prompts the questions:


Does The Times have any objectivity regarding the USC football team? Are you journalists or thinly disguised cheerleaders?

One more thing Mr. Slutak needs to bring along: a case of ChapStick for Times sportswriters who get worn out kissing the proverbial derriere of the USC football program.


Redondo Beach



Watching the USC offense anxiously milling around the sideline in the first quarter against Hawaii reminded me of a featured speaker, waiting for a long-winded introduction to conclude. But when they finally got to the podium, wow!


Dana Point
