
Italy to Hand Suspect Over to Britain

From Reuters

An Italian court on Tuesday rejected the extradition appeal of a suspect in the July 21 attempted transit attacks in London, and a lawyer for Britain said he would be extradited within 10 days.

Ethiopian-born Hamdi Issac was arrested in Rome days after fleeing there following the attempted bombings on trains and a bus that killed no one but left an already jittery London shaken.

Two weeks earlier, suicide bombers had killed more than 50 people in attacks on the transit system.


Information gleaned from interrogation in Italy can be used in Britain as evidence against Issac, said the lawyer for Britain, Paolo Iorio. That includes his reported admission that he took part in the attacks.

Issac told Italian investigators that the four bombs placed on three Underground trains and a bus were meant only to scare people.

Three other men named by police as key suspects in the July 21 attacks have been charged in Britain with attempted murder.
