
No photo op at Belgrade embassy

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SUSAN SPANO’S article on embassies [“Embassies, From Landmark to Bulwark,” Her World, Sept. 11] neglected to add one important item about the security at these embassies. She should have warned people about taking photographs of any U.S. Embassy.

During a trip to Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro, in July, one of the women on our tour bus took a picture of the U.S. Embassy. The flash from the camera was seen by the guard at the gate, and he immediately informed his superiors.

They stopped our bus, took the woman off the bus, made her reveal and delete the pictures from her camera and took her passport number.


On the same trip, in Bucharest, Romania, the guards at the U.S. Embassy were watching us closely as we took pictures in front of the restaurant where we had just eaten. We were across the street from the embassy, and they were very interested.


