
Bush has it all wrong on terrorism

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Re “Predecessors Erred on Terrorism, Bush Says,” Sept. 23

The president is a stubborn liar. By accusing his predecessors of failing to take action against terrorists, he once again fails to see that his actions are the cause of the problems in Iraq and the increase in the spread of terrorist acts around the world.

After 9/11, the whole world took action against the terror-sponsoring totalitarian Taliban government in Afghanistan. While Saddam Hussein was no saint, he wasn’t the sponsor of terrorist acts or the leader in the spread of nuclear proliferation (our ally Pakistan was!). It is by Bush’s lies and intransigence that we can’t withdraw our troops.

Bush’s actions are all about making money for his friends at Halliburton and the oil companies. And with the refineries shutting down for Hurricane Rita, gas prices are projected to rise. So much for supply-side economics.



