
Tax cuts help some, leave others burdened


Re “Taxes Flatten but Deep Pockets Still Bulge,” April 17

I found it disappointing that your article about the demise of the progressive tax code didn’t mention the alternative minimum tax and how it’s being used to place a greater tax burden on the middle class. While the upper one-half of 1% of the population is getting huge tax cuts, the Bush tax cuts have merely pushed more middle-class people into the alternative minimum tax code, which is a straight 28%.

My taxes have gone up, not down, for the last five years.


Agoura Hills



The article seems solely intended to stoke feelings of class envy. Buried deep in the story was a brief mention that the cuts have actually boosted the economy since they were enacted.

Focusing on the obvious fact that any tax cut will yield greater dollar amounts to higher earners is a classic red herring designed to increase opposition to the cuts.

If everyone receives a benefit proportional to their tax burden, and overall tax revenue increases, the only reason one could be in favor of eliminating the cuts is the “he got more than me” syndrome.

The tax cuts were supposed to stimulate the economy, not hand out government checks to all like some kind of welfare program.


