
Stuck in a yoga groove? Try cardio-cranking spins


Capoeira is a lively form of Brazilian martial arts that combines dance, acrobatics and music with fighting techniques. Clubs and classes have been springing up in the United States, and now comes “Capoeira Conditioning,” a guide to using capoeira moves and stretches to build strength and flexibility and improve cardiovascular fitness.


Jeannine Stein


“Capoeira Conditioning”: To see capoeira live is to appreciate its athleticism. Kicks, spins and flips are just part of what make up the animated, balletic sport. But the beauty of capoeira is that you don’t have to be in ultimate shape to enjoy it or benefit from it. In this book, author Gerard Taylor, who trained at the London School of Capoeira and now teaches in Norway, explains how capoeira can boost overall fitness levels and enhance performance for other sports.

The book begins with an explanation of capoeira and how it works the body through high-intensity interval training and resistance training. It also delves into breathing methods and offers basic techniques for moves such as cartwheels and handstands.

Specific exercises include the cocorinha squat, a deep squat that segues into a full standing reach, with arms above the head. More advanced exercises include the bananeira push-up, which starts with a handstand against the wall and adds push-ups, with the top of the head touching the floor. Although the book includes detailed instructions and modifications, the truly out-of-shape should be cautious while attempting moves such as handstands and cartwheels.

Those looking to upgrade their conditioning for other sports should consider capoeira, says Taylor, noting the combination of explosive movements and full-body strengthening. For runners, who do the same movements over and over, “capoeira conditioning will provide all the cardio they could ever want, while also strengthening their muscles while stretching them out, conditioning the tendons and rotating the joints.” Swimmers, he says, benefit from the use of body weight, “which will give resistance training for the muscles that swimming doesn’t provide.”


Price: $15.95, available at bookstores.
