
Sizemore hopeful of recovery

From Associated Press

Tom Sizemore, who has admitted in court to using methamphetamine, says he’s struggling to emerge from the haze of drug addiction.

The 44-year-old actor was sentenced in L.A. Thursday to three years’ probation after tearfully confessing that he used meth last month. He could have faced 16 months in prison after violating his probation stemming from a conviction for methamphetamine possession.

Sizemore says in an interview on CNBC’s “The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch” set to air Monday that, on a Jan. 18 visit to his probation officer, he confessed his problem. Now, he says, he feels hopeful.


“Once you [acknowledge] it, there’s a great relief, because now you started the first step in this horror show for mending.”
