
AOL to Sell Messaging for Business

From Associated Press

America Online Inc. and Web-Ex Communications Inc. are teaming up to provide a business version of AOL’s popular AIM instant-messaging software.

Called AIM Pro, the business version will offer more security -- communications, for instance, will be encrypted -- and more features to help workers collaborate, using conferencing tools offered by WebEx, based in Santa Clara, Calif. AIM Pro users will be able to communicate with those on basic AIM, although not all features, including encryption, will be fully available.

Prices were not announced, but AOL said a monthly subscription fee was likely.

Instant messaging took off among home users first, but in recent years employees have installed the software, usually on their own, as an alternative to phones and e-mail.


AOL, a unit of Time Warner Inc., responded by developing add-ons such as teleconferencing and Web conferencing to serve small businesses. AOL said AIM Pro went further by offering stand-alone software built expressly with businesses in mind.

“The new service will bring business-class [instant messaging,] online conferencing, collaboration, desktop sharing and advanced multimedia services to the global workplace,” said Brian Curry, vice president for premium and subscription services at AOL.
