
Israeli withholding of Palestinian revenue


Re “Palestinians are being robbed by Israel,” Opinion, Feb. 21

Thank you for publishing the hard-hitting essay by Amira Hass on Israel’s withholding of Palestinian tax and customs revenue. By documenting Israel’s apparent drive to starve and further humiliate an already dispossessed people, Hass exposes the utter sham of the Israeli mantra, “We have no peace partner.” Above all, Hass challenges Americans who, intentionally or not, are allowing billions of our hard-earned tax dollars to be used to underwrite the ongoing misery for Palestinians and Israelis alike.

If Hass -- the Jewish-Israeli child of survivors of the Nazi Holocaust -- can see the gross injustice being perpetrated on Palestinians by her government with our government’s support, why can’t we Americans see the light?


New Milford, Conn.



The Palestinian people, by a wide margin, elected a government whose sole aim is to destroy the state of Israel.

As a result, the Palestinian people are to bear the consequences. Let their government sustain them. Would any country support a neighbor whose only goal is destroy it?


Los Angeles


How shocking and appalling! Israel won’t deliver millions a month to the Hamas government, just because Hamas wants to destroy Israel. What is the matter with those Jews? They are so touchy about little things like people wanting to kill them. Gee, you would think it had happened to them before, or something like that.


Los Angeles
