
Battling over support for the troops


Re “Warriors and wusses,” Opinion, Jan. 24

I am an officer in the active Army who has fought in Iraq and served in Afghanistan. As you might guess, I disagree with the views Joel Stein expressed, but I honor and respect his decision to disagree with what we’re doing, and appreciate the fact he does so in a fairly respectful way.

Debate about the pros and cons of an issue are basic to American values, but today the rule of thumb seems to be that you have to vilify anyone who doesn’t agree with your opinion as being absurd or insane. I was pleased to see he isn’t in that category. Plus, he writes in such a way that allows both a liberal and a conservative to laugh -- no small feat. Well done.


CentCom headquarters


Tampa, Fla.


I read Stein’s column with a combination of anger, horror, amusement and general disgust. There is a difference between a wuss and a coward. A wuss does not hide behind his keyboard; a coward does. Is he advocating that we turn our backs on the troops? Sure, give them healthcare and pensions. But not our love and support?

As a retired Army soldier, I find this despicable attitude more of a spoiled, left-wing radical than of a person who is against this war.

I am against this war, but you will never find me spitting on the troops sent to do this job.


Whitehorse, Yukon


Stein’s column dishonors those of us who have served, and continue to serve, in our nation’s military. He fails to understand the personal reasons, including patriotism and service to our fellow citizens, that motivate young men and women to join the military.


He professes to show concern for the welfare of the troops but questions their integrity for following orders and doing their duty.

A person’s reasons for serving in the military are not unlike those who choose to be police officers, firefighters or paramedics. And surely Stein wouldn’t question their motivation.

Stein’s columns are usually about his travails as a Hollywood screenwriter. He should stick to writing about things he understands.


San Pedro


As one who served with the Navy in Vietnam and whose son served in Iraq, I would like to thank Stein for his honesty in how he regards those who serve in the military.

I’m tired of the prevarication on this subject from many who clearly don’t like service people but make the politically correct statements of support. It clears people’s minds about politics, the role of the military and the state of the nation when we all speak openly.


I disagree with Stein wholeheartedly, but I will continue to stand up for his rights.




Stein is an embarrassment. Other words come to mind, but I’ll just say embarrassment.


Auburn, Ga.
