
Hot spell puts focus on solar energy alternatives

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Your call for better management of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s electrical system during hot summer afternoons (editorial, July 26) is spot on.

The DWP should also do more to promote energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy, especially solar power. Solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity with no pollution, are an ideal resource for California, especially Los Angeles. Southern California Edison and the state’s other investor-owned utilities are now part of the California Solar Initiative to build a million solar roofs in 10 years. The DWP also needs to participate in this statewide initiative by building its share, about 100,000 solar roofs. Doing so would ease pressure on the electrical infrastructure and bring clean air and energy independence for all to enjoy.


Clean Energy Advocate,


Environment California




It is not the DWP, Edison or other utilities that are behind the blackouts; it is the developers and politicians who cannot see the future. Throughout the state, I see thousands of new homes in the 2,500-square-foot range, many with tile -- instead of solar -- roofs. Just look at the homes along Interstate 5 in Castaic, or in Fresno, Modesto and other mostly sunny places. The developers and the politicians who approve these projects are the real culprits.

It is time to mandate solar roofs on all new housing developments; commercial builders should do the same.


Citrus Heights, Calif.
