
Terror Suspect Would Do Time in Australia

From the Associated Press

An Australian terrorist suspect being held at Guantanamo Bay would serve prison time in Australia if he was convicted by a U.S. military tribunal, Justice Minister Christopher Ellison said today.

David Hicks, 31, has been held at the U.S. military camp in Cuba since 2002. He was captured in 2001 in Afghanistan, where he allegedly fought alongside the Taliban.

He is one of several inmates chosen to face a U.S. military trial. He has pleaded innocent to charges of terrorist conspiracy and aiding the enemy.


Ellison said Australia negotiated an agreement with the U.S. on where Hicks would serve time if convicted.

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to rule this week on whether President Bush had the authority to order the military trials.

The ruling in a case involving Osama bin Laden’s driver could determine whether the government may proceed.
